My heart is staying here...

Wednesday night was my last night in Healdsburg, my adopted home. We played a beautiful and fun gig at "HBG" which is always good, but tonight it was really special! So many friends came out to listen and to play! Ten musicians in total played (though not all together) It began with one very special boy- my star student- Robert, aged 10. He played guitar and SANG with the band! He sounded great and so grown up... following Robert, the band played a beautiful Casey Chambers song whose refrain states: "I'll learn to live in a new town- but my heart is staying here" the cello of George Chavez added so much to this song, and to the entire evening! (thank you George) The rest of the band included: Michael Lindner, Timmy Haagen-Daz, Alan Stassforth, Gary Violin, Thomas Loos, Doug & Martie McPherson. A large band!